Friday 8 July 2011

It All Ends ...

No, this blog is not about the last part of the Harry Potter franchise but yeh I wish that J.K.Rowling will again come back with such fantastic story. 

Anyway this blog is about “ENDs”. Yeah , we all know the things which have a start will come to an end one day. But the question that has been stuck in my mind since a long time now is “Why do we hate end so much?”.

Have you ever given a thought to this? I was in India for three weeks.  Cannot tell how quickly my vacation ended, but in the last week, I was not at all feeling well because my vacation is about end. The thought about the end of vacation has absorbed all the positive vibrations. I was wishing that my vacation will go on for one or two more weeks. (I know even if it was extended, I would have again felt the same during the last week).There are many such examples. End of a good movie, your fav TV serial, end of your career with your first employer (Of course when you switch to new company), End of a relationship…..the list is endless….

Why do we hate End so much?? Are we afraid of coming out of our comfort zone or we are afraid of the new challenges waiting for us?   

Well, I am trying to find out the answer to this question. Do tell me if you find one …..

There is lot to write. But for now this much is enough..;)


  1. I think it is the fear of the unknown.. :)

  2. hmmm...even i thought the same :)

  3. Good one Jaimin!
    I believe we fear of the 'end' because we fear to get detached from all the attachments that we had made - as you said coming out of the comfort zone!
