Well, I know the title is bit confusing...
When I was a child, I always use to wear would on one or the other
part of my body....Sometimes on knees, sometimes on hand and sometime on
face.... well the reasons were different all the time...Sometimes fights with
other contributed to it and sometime a great fall from bicycle or my old sunny
zip.. I know you all might be wondering why I am telling you all
Today I went out with my friends for a skate ride. Advait and
Mahesh were on bike while I was skate..... Initially everything went fine until
I reached the a slop. I was suddenly on the highest speed on skate and due to
uneven stones on the footpath in a second I found myself kissing the floor. I
was fortunate enough to save my head and shoulder up to some extent. But my
knees had a major injuries. I saw bloods flowing out of the wounds and I was
like its okay. But when I saw other people who actually were worried seen the
blood, it made me realize how big the injury was. Two girls and one aunty was
very kind to give the paper napkins to clean up the wound a bit.. I was still
not feeling pain, but the worry on other people's face made me bit worried.
After coming home, we cleaned the wounds with savlon and applied
the cream, but the blood kept flowing so I decide to visit the doctor first time
in Germany. I was bit tensed to visit doctor, not because of the fear of
injection but because of the language issue. But yeh somehow I managed it. Well
frankly speaking, the doctors were more worried. They were like check this and
that. If it is a fracture or not. Do you have pain here or not?? and
all sort of questions were fired. I was surprised to see that there was a team
of 5 (doctors and Nurses) who were attending me.... Well I can say the first
visit of the doctor in Germany was bit scary.
Well these wounds reminded me of my childhood. When I used to
returned to home with wounds, mummy was the who got most worried. I am damn
sure if she will come to know about this she will still feel same. I am glad
that I am in germnay...
I feel like I am still that
kid.....or may be a grown up Kid ;)
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