Sunday, 3 June 2012

Is it bad to be selfish?

I was taught that most of the decisions which we take in our daily life affect one or the other person directly or indirectly. Sometimes our decision proves to be wrong and there is a possibility that it may hurt our friends, relatives or colleagues personally or professionally and that’s why we need to give proper thought and time to it.

I have taken this lesson or lets say teaching very seriously throughout my life…. There are occasions when I had to go against my will as the thing which I wanted to do and what I needed was affecting my friends or family. Till date I was feeling very happy that I had given very less chance to other people to get hurt. It has helped me earned respect from my friends , family and my colleagues. They have faith that whatever my actions will be, it will be good for all.

But the incidents which has happened in the last few months in my life made me think whether I should actually think about others or not. The decisions which I have taken in the last few months have definitely  saved me hurting  N number of persons, but I couldn’t stand for something which I wanted the most in life…I lost something which was worth dying.

 What if the decision which you are making is hurting you only….what if you have to suffer for the rest of the life because of it… Now I really wonder about the funda of the life…is it really bad to be selfish sometime? Should we always consider others when taking decisions? What one should do when he knows that his one action or decision which is best for him will have impact on others life??

I am trying really hard to figure out answers to these questions….do let me know if u already have one….


  1. Well it is not bad to be selfish..
    Just be selfish for the right reasons..!!

  2. Yeh, that I understand, but still my question is what you will do when u know that it will hurt people....?

  3. Make it less painful by confronting... :) Or Just let it go...
    Someone has rightly said, ''People regret more for things they didn't do ..:) " .. If its worth dying then its definitely worth hurting others. People for whom you care should be happy with your happiness. If not they are not worth being worried about... :)

  4. :) :) ... I realized it sometimes back and living my life on the same terms ;) ;)
