Monday, 7 October 2013

Why do I ??

When you have knack of something, often your mind will be full of various questions.....

1. How can I do it in a better way?
2. What will make the outcome unique?
3. How better can I serve my interests?


But along with these, other thousand voices will join and ask you "Why you are doing this?", "there are thousand other guys in the market who can perform it in a much better way than you" ?

The society in which we live, these questions will often be raised and sometime you will be in dilemma of how to answer them...I have been asked so many times "Why do you do photography? "

This blog is an answer to all those people who asked me this question "Why do you... ?"

Photography for me is more than just capturing an image. It is my way to preserve  joy, emotions, feelings and a moment to cherish it for a life time. I do photography because it gives me a pleasure of living that time again which has passed already. I like to spend the important moments of my life to save the more valuable moments of my life... of others' life..... Photography helps me in finding beauty in small-small things whether it is a flower or a bird.. it helps me to define a meaning of each moment....I do not care if the photos which I capture are unique or I do not care if a similar photo has been already captured by someone else... All I know is it is my way to keep that moment, that picture somewhere safe so that I can live it again.....

That's why I do photography....


  1. You do photography because your heart tells you so.. Every question after that is meaningless!

  2. i agree ji ... but sometimes it is necessary to answer others, as I feel that it actually helps open your mind to new ideas and things :) :)
